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FM TOWNS poster twin towers explosion

i got this Fujitsu FM TOWNS promotional poster a while back from Yahoo! Japan auctions

if you look closely, we see the Twin Towers in the image of the screen
behind the twin towers is a sort of explosion of light. 🌇 😎

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Larry Silverstein: “i built model airplanes, i flew them”


an edit i made of: “לארי סילברסטיין – Larry Silverstein יזם: Ground Zero NY אורח עיר הנד"לן 2014 של מרכז הבניה” (youtube URI: JUvLCzk7nh4) … edited with kdenlive for educational purposes

Larry Silverstein, owner of the World Trade Centre complex on September 11th 2001, recounts that as a child:
“… i built model airplanes, i flew them …”

Larry also explains they had the plans to build the new building BEFORE the towers got hit.

He states in this speech that fire brought down WTC7 (salomon brothers building)

But, in an old documentary he clearly states that he gave the order to “PULL IT” (textbook controlled demolition terminology) see below:

it is a haunting speech he gives, so i added appropriate music:
Music: Mattia Cupelli – Dark Tension Rising Music (Royalty FREE)

Feel free to download and share the video, but please also share the link to the bitchute version for easier sharing.

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“communist” hammer & sickle (☭) is “responsible” for tens of millions of deaths, maybe hundreds of millions.

“communist” hammer & sickle (☭) is “responsible” for tens of millions of deaths, maybe hundreds of millions.

the shadow meaning: the hammer is to hammer down the people that stand up like nails … a sickle for the grim reap “harvest”, culling.